Scores and Reviews
SAT Testimonials

1590 out of 1600
Hi Kristi, Paarth took the SAT again in October (2023) and scored 1590. Just wanted to send you a note coz in his own words he couldn't have gotten this score without the help he got at IES. Please pass my thanks to Chris an

Pradnya Desai
1540 out of 1600
This is Pradnya. I just got my May SAT scores back - 1540, with 760 Reading and 780 Math! Thank you so much to Marc and Arianna for all your help and all the time you put in for me!

Kaylee Wang
1550 out of 1600
Hi! My name is Kaylee Wang and I got a 1550 with a 21 on the essay. Thanks so much for all your help!

Jessica Jiang
1570 out of 1600
Hi, I got a 1570 on my SAT. Evidence Based Reading and Writing: 770, Math: 800

Jessica Tao
1550 out of 1600
Hi! This is Jessica, I did the Saturday SAT prep over the summer and just got my results from the October SAT. I got an 1550! Thank you so much for your help.