IES SAT Test Prep Summer Camp
Why come to IES for your SAT prep?
We offer a unique and exciting summer camp for SAT preparation. Classes are four days a week, Tuesday thru Friday, for four weeks 9am to 1pm. The sessions run for four hours - 2 for verbal and 2 for math. We cover all aspects of test taking technique in Reading, Writing, and Math.
Why prep in the summer?
The IES Summer Camp offers many advantages. The most obvious one is an opportunity to improve your SAT performance during a time when you are not tied up with school work. You can be up and running, fully prepared to take the SAT (and PSAT) as early as October. You will be ahead of all the other students at school who will not be thinking about getting ready for the SAT's until the fall or even the spring of Junior year. It is a good idea to get your SAT Prep done and out of the way early on in the junior year so you can be free to work on your SAT subject tests, AP's and a high GPA.
What can be done after summer and before the test date?
After you have completed your course, IES offers a Bridge Program for students who would like to continue their preparation right up until they take the official SAT test. This program has three components: (i) practice tests, (ii) private tutoring, (iii) homework. This combination proves to be the best way to keep the technique fresh. It also allows the teacher to catch mistakes a student might be making and correct them before the official test. This process is know as fine tuning and can add a significant amount to the improvement already acquired during summer camp.
You may choose a 3-week, 6-week, 9-week, 12-week, or longer Bridge Program. (for bridge pricing, please contact our administration office.
Who should apply?
Most of our SAT Prep Summer Camp students are 10th graders going on to the 11th grade or 11th graders going on to the 12th grade. Some will be taking the SAT for the first time in the fall while others will be taking it for the last time before applying to college in October and November of their senior year. We welcome 9th graders going onto 10th and many have joined in the past but depending on their level, we may recommend a different type of class for them, one that addresses foundations more so than technique. All ages are welcome to apply! Call to inquire about Summer Camp dates (908)917-5274.
First Day of SAT Summer Camp at IES
By Jennifer Leung, a former IES student, currently attending Harvard University
It’s 80 degrees in Metuchen, NJ, and 75 teenagers gather outside on the sunny yard of a quaint, century-old building. Enthusiastic conversation and chatter fill the air as students patiently wait to be led to their classes, anxious to meet their teachers, excited to begin learning. Only one event could congregate so many willing and disciplined adolescents in one place: it’s the first day of the wildly-popular SAT Prep Summer Camp at Integrated Educational Services, a specialized SAT preparatory center.
Beginning as a tutoring duo-- current CEOs and co-founders, Arianna and Khalid – Integrated Educational Services, or IES, as it’s endearingly nicknamed, skyrocketed in success over the span of a decade. As students’ scores increased dramatically, so did the high demand for IES classes, culminating to the present-day expansion from one humble building in 2007 to the four buildings that now proudly boast IES ownership. Situated on a campus surrounded by a duck pond and charming Victorian buildings, IES doesn’t feel like school. Rather, it feels like a home away from home in the small, picturesque town of Metuchen, only a walk away from downtown Main Street, which bustles with restaurants and antique bookstores.
The immense success of IES can be accredited to its well cultivated and finely honed technique and to IES’ 18 highly-qualified instructors. Students initially improve an average of 250 to 300 points after taking the course and even more with the Bridge Program, which “bridges” the gap between the end of SAT Summer Camp and their first official SAT test. During this interim, students receive a bundle of services: including private lessons, workshops, and practice tests on a weekly basis.
“It’s incredible, the power of word-of-mouth,” attests Arianna Astuni, co-owner of IES. “We would not be where we are today if not for the word-of-mouth of satisfied students, who achieved a high SAT score with our help.” And the number of IES students with incredible SAT scores cannot be underestimated. Strewn along the walls of Khalid’s office and all throughout the hallways of the main building are the scores of former students. They range from high 2200’s to the esteemed 2400’s that line his door. Under each of their scores and their names is the university they are now attending: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Wharton, Georgia Tech, Brown—the list goes on and on.
Watching the kids eagerly follow their teachers to their respective classrooms, I’m reminded of the first day of my own IES Summer Camp experience. As a current intern and a former student, I see in retrospect how instrumental IES was to my present success. I recall the trepidation I felt two years ago as a nervous student fretting about the upcoming SATs. With IES’s guidance, I was able to raise my score 250 points and get into Harvard, the college of my dreams. IES is more than just a SAT Prep center—it’s a nurturing environment where you find a shared camaraderie with your classmates, mentorship through your teachers, and knowledge that you carry long after the SATs. IES is a place that makes you realize that your wishful collegiate dreams can in fact become a reality.