1590 out of 1600
Dear Mr. Khalid, Thank you so much for helping me improve my score by nearly 200 points! I never imagined being able to score a 1590 on the SAT, with a 790 on my English section and 800 on my Math section. Thank you Lynne, and all the IES teachers for pushing me to improve every week! Sincerely, Margaret Cheng
Margaret Cheng
1580 out of 1600
Dear IES, Sorry for the late email. I'm James, from the July-August summer night session. I was able to score a 1580 on the SAT with a 21 on the essay section! I would like to drop some thank you's for my teachers. Dear Bing,I came into IES very under confident in my math skills - in fact I wasn't even able to finish the diagnostic SAT in time (I had like 4 questions left on one math section). Thank you for making me feel very prepared to take the math section, and thank you for being a fantastic teacher! Dear Keith,Thank you for making class so much fun and teaching us so much! You're one of the most interesting and engaging teachers I've ever had. I'm so sorry for all the times I was on my phone in class! I hope you can forgive me :) Sincerely,
James Chen
1590 out of 1600
Hi Mr. Khalid,I wanted to thank you for all of your guidance and teachings through our private lessons. When I first came to you, I was a strong student in general, but I was unfamiliar with the SAT exam, and I wanted to push to reach the top of the percentile charts. Through our lessons, you taught me some specific skills and test taking tips, but what I found most invaluable from our time together were the intellectual debates that we had about reading passages and grammar questions. Those debates trained me in recognizing logic flaws while eliminating answer choices, understanding the rationale behind the SAT, developing my reading comprehension, and solidifying my memory and understanding of grammar rules. The lessons I learned this summer ultimately led to my earning a 1590 on the SAT. Thank you again!Best,
James Y. Chen
1590 out of 1600
Just wanted to send you a note coz in his own words he couldn't have done it without the help he got at IES
1600 out of 1600
My son James took your SAT prep this summer and he got his score 1600. Thank you so much for such a great training program.
James Li
1600 out of 1600
Hi Khalid! We just got our scores back, and would like you to know that Maya got the full score 1600! Thank you very much for your great work in helping here achieve this great score. - Eileen Ho
Maya Nguyen
1580 out of 1600
Hi Khalid,
I got a 1580 on my SAT!!! 800 on math (no questions wrong) and 780 on reading/writing (2 wrong in reading and 1 wrong in writing).
Thank you for helping me prepare. All those practice tests made me a lot more confident on test day, and your explanations really helped me improve on math!
Elliot S.
35 out of 36
Thanks Megan for all your help!
Jaclyn Josephson
1570 out of 1600
Hi, this is Olivia . I just wanted to thank you guys for all your help with my preparations for the new SAT. I ended up getting a 1570 on the SAT, with a 780 reading section and a 790 math section. I'm happy to report that I've been accepted to the Harvard class of 2022. Thank you again!
1520 out of 1600
Lailee Golesorkhi - IES School Graduate
SAT Score: 1520
After taking the IES sat course, I can say with certainty that it was exceptionally useful in that it not only increased my test scores, but gave me the tools necessary for learning and studying in general that I know will benefit me greatly throughout my educational career. The teachers were fantastic and very understanding, and I can say overall that I’m glad I took the course.
Best regards and many thanks for all,
Lailee Blue Golesorkhi
Leilee G.
1570 out of 1600
Dear Khalid,I'd like to thank you and IES for helping me prep for the SAT and achieving a 1570! Although it isn't a 1600, I am very happy with this score and I am grateful to all of the help you and Kevin have given me throughout the time I've been with IES.
Kyle Tau
1570 out of 1600
Hi Mr. Khashoggi, This is Isabella from your August IES SAT Class in Long Island. I took the SAT on August 26th and the scores came out this week. I got a 1570 and I'm very happy with my score, so I just wanted to thank you for all of your help this summer. Without your help and the time spent in class, I wouldn't have been able to improve so much all on my own.Thanks and hope you have a wonderful week! Sincerely,
Isabella Wang
1510 out of 1600
Hi.My name is Rachana Kotamraju and I took the August SAT. I got a 770 in math and a 740 in verbal. My combined score was a 1510 and I got a 19 on my essay. Thank you Rajvi and Lynn!!!
Rachana Kotamraju
1560 out of 1600
Billy did well, scoring 790 in Math and 770 in Reading/Writing, for a 1560 total. He was very happy (although he is hoping to get an 800 in Math on the 11/5 test) and extremely grateful for everyone's help at IES. We'll let you know how the November test goes. Thanks Norma Fallon
Billy Fallon
24 out of 24
Dear Jo, Thank you so much for your help in the SAT essay course! Because of your course, I was able to write a stellar essay that earned me a perfect score, and I couldn't be more grateful. You're doing a great job and you're definitely doing a lot to help your students. Keep it up! Sincerely,
Sanjeevani Joshi
1560 out of 1600
This is Joy Liu, one of the students that took the summer course here and then bridging shortly after. I took the November 2017 SAT and received my score recently. I reached my goal range score with a 1560! I scored 770 in verbal and 790 in math, along with a 24 on the essay. I would like to thank Nick and Jo for teaching me efficient techniques to use for reading passages and for improving my essay writing skills and formatting, and Kevin for sharpening my math skills and helping me understand the different types of math problems. They really helped me in this process and ultimately achieve my goal! I could not have done it without their help. Thank you IES :)Sincerely,
Joy Liu
1470 out of 1600
Dear Arianna and Marc, After waiting to send this email for months, it is my pleasure to inform you both that I was accepted to Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration. After wanting to peruse an entrepreneurship career, I combined my love of hotels and management to result in this hotel administration degree. IES Test Prep had changed my entire college portfolio for the better. Coming in to Metuchen from Stamford Connecticut every week for four weeks straight, I stayed in Edison and studied after class. Before getting here, I had a 1220 on my SAT and after the class, I ended with a 1470. IES Test Prep material helped me immensely and would not have had such a leap in score without. Whether it was Arianna going out of her way to help my grammar score or giving me extra practice with reading comprehension, I was to apply IES's test taking strategies to control my test. Marc not only showed me quick tricks but also worked one on one with me, to insure I understood the content in such a short period of time. After getting a 790 on Math and 680 on reading, IES Test Prep created the opportunity for me to get into college. I thank you guys very much for everything. Regardless of how much I write, it will never sum up the experience I had at IES. Proving to be more of a guiding environment then business aspect, I built many relationships with the staff that helped encourage me that I can be done. I made the trip for four weeks to New Jersey and lived their during the week. I biked from the house to IES every day, rain or shine but all for a fantastic, great, successful experience that I could not have achieved without the help of IES. I am forever thankful, and will recommend any and everyone to IES Test Prep. Thank you again and Go Big Red!Best Regards,
Nikhil Rao
Hi!AHHH! I just found out that I was accepted to Cornell University through Early Decision! I couldn't have done it without your immense guidance on my Common App and Cornell-specific essays! You really went above and beyond to help me achieve a dream that I have had for so many years! If I can, I will come visit you at IES, but I just wanted you to know that you hold a huge responsibility for my success and that I am so grateful that you took time out of your day to help me! Thank you so much again,
Sanjeevani Joshi
1550 out of 1600
My daughter Katherine Wang took first SAT test in Aug, this morning her score is released: 1550, verbal is 750 and math is 800. We will like to thank you for all support during the IES summer SAT training course. Jie Wang
Katherine Wang
1500 out of 1600
Jasmine Parekh got 1500 on the Aug 26th test. 710 for verbal and 790 on math. Her essay scores were at 18/24. Please send our biggest thanks to Ariana , Marc and Rajvi for helping Jasmine this summer! Hopefully the next time it will be a full score!
Jasmine Parekh